Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year~ 2012

I'm really not sure what I think about 2012.  Last year was an amazing whirlwind!  Here's what I remember of it all..

1. We planted Ember church from scratch with close friends of ours in August.
2. I started the new adventure in homeschooling Cyrus in August.
3. We were blessed with Bexley on October 10th.
4. November and December we were pretty much sick the whole time.
5. Started my new, super exciting and soul healing adventure in sewing.

So, 2012, what will you bring?  I hope to continue in my quest in making my house a little more peaceful every month through organizing, planning more and just in general spending my time wisely.

I'm hopeful to use more space that isn't currently being used in our home.  Basically, some renovations which make me giddy like a school girl.  I love the idea of making our house work for us so that we can stay here longer.  I LOVE my home and I do not want to outgrow it!

I hope to still feel like Andy and I have a great marriage at least MOST of the time.  I know we go through our high and low points but the confidence I have in our marriage through it all is so secure and I am so thankful.  The truth is, we never know the trails that will come our way but we've had a few and I believe we are stronger because of them.

With that being said, my role as a wife needs some pruning for sure ;)  I sometimes wonder how I got it so good with Andy.  

I hope to be a better momma.  God continues to press into me the way in which I need to change.  It's not a bad feeling.  It's God's way of blessing my desire to be the best mom I can be.  For that alone, I am eternally grateful.

I hope to show and share the importance of Jesus in my kids' lives more.  I want them to realize their need for Jesus as I continue to remember my need as well.  Isn't it like us as humans, to think we can do it on our own?! 

I hope to be healthier.  I hope to make myself a little more of a priority.  In a good way! 

I hope to challenge myself, my character and my fears.  I have fears and I want to drop-kick them and grow more because of it. ;)

Yay for another year!  Blessings to you and yours!


  1. I loved this post Breena! I remember you calling me when you found out you were pregnant with little Bexley! I also am trying so hard to find a good way to get our family organized and functioning in a organized manner. Sometimes I think my house gets so behind in cleaning and normal housely duties is because we are not organized enough. I love reading your blogs and hope you have a great day!

  2. Thanks, Em! I remember that, too! Crazy blessing she is ;) I say check out Clover Lane's cleaning schedule and see how it works...I have a long way to go! Love you!
