Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Fail?

Gosh was I challenged this year.  I was challenged to focus on Jesus so much this Christmas season.  As you may have read in my last blog post, I was trying really hard to get the kids to remember what Christmas was really about.  Whenever one of them whined about presents or started acting unthankful, I gently reminded them why we celebrate Christmas in the first place.

And with every reminder I gave, I feel I may have gone through a little trial so I could be challenged, too.  Sickness after sickness, lack of sleep for months all winding down to little time to shop for presents and very little alone time with Andy.  It's been survival mode for a few months and we all know that with sick kids, sometimes that means working on a "great" marriage and not just a "peaceful" one, takes backseat. 

Today, because of Zeke's 3rd sickness in 2 months and how miserable he was, we were unable to go to Toledo to be with family.  I held it together (snapping a couple of times but with quick recovery!) so that I could make Christmas special even with the curve-ball thrown.

We had a special breakfast this morning, the kids played with their toys and Zekey gave lots of cuddles. My dad felt bad that we weren't going to have something special for dinner so he bought us Fridays!  So sweet he is ;)

We planned to get chocolate shakes and drive around to see Christmas lights but right before we left, Andy got a stomach thingy.  So, I got to take the kids around...*sarcastic* yay!  I really wanted to give them the best Christmas I could!

We bought the shakes courtesy of McDonald's and off we went!  The Christmas music was blaring and Bexley chimed in with her crying ;)  I am not as good at finding Christmas lights as Andy, so he was quite missed!  As I pointed to lights and said, "Look, guys!  Look how pretty!" I look back and see the kids all sleeping.

I let the tears fall.  I just wanted let it out and cry out to God telling Him how sucky this Christmas was, but I didn't.  I let God speak to me, instead.

I was reminded that Christmas traditions can fail but that doesn't take away from the fact that the best gift of all was given to us this day.  A baby, so sweet and gentle.  To live a perfect life teaching us that even though He was the king of the world, he wanted us to love and serve others as He did in this imperfect world and to imperfect people. Only to die so we could be with Him again.  That is what Christmas is about. 

I unpacked the sleepy and now crying kids.  Andy and I were tucking the kids in and I asked, "Did you guys have a Merry Christmas this year?"  Eisley started telling me about her favorite presents and Cyrus joined in telling us his favorites as well.  I smiled and said, "I'm so glad you love your presents, but let's remember, today is the day we celebrate the best gift of all...Jesus."

Eisley responds quickly with her face all distorted, "Wait!  I didn't get God anything for Christmas!  I know He doesn't want Monster Truck Legos or any girl toys.  I will give him a heart."

Oh my heart leaped for joy!  "Eisley, that is really sweet!  Remember when you asked Jesus into your heart, that was giving him your heart and it was the BEST Christmas present you could give God."  Cyrus, "yeah, yeah and I will give him love and hearts because I know God likes hearts."

Christmas hadn't failed this year...

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